8 Things To Know Before Your Rhinoplasty In Dubai

Rhinoplasty – also known as a Nose job in dubai or Nose Reshaping in dubai – is a procedure that should not be taken lightly. Because the nose is located on the centre of your face, any alterations will make the biggest difference in your appearance. For this reason, finding the right rhinoplasty surgeon Dubai is key to having a successful rhinoplasty in Dubai, that complements your facial features well but also maintains natural results. For any form of cosmetic surgery – also let it be rhinoplasty – knowledge is power.

Before going into the 8 most important things you should know before you make a decision to do a rhinoplasty, it is essential to stress on the idea that doing a nose job or rhinoplasty should be a decision that you are making for yourself and not because you are pressured by society beauty standards. In this manner, your rhinoplasty journey and experience will be stress-free and pleasant, as ultimately you are investing in a better version of yourself that will reflect on all aspects of your life.

So, without further or due, here are the 8 things to know before you do a nose job as advised by Dr Bashar Bizrah, the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Dubai and his team of expert medical professionals at Bizrahmed.


  • Before you book your rhinoplasty, do your initial research

When choosing your doctor and considering rhinoplasty Dubai, you need to be realistic and set transparent and clear expectations for your surgeon and yourself. Doing a thorough analysis of the before and after pictures of past procedures of your surgeon, you will be able to get a better understanding on what kind of noses and shapes the surgeons works with and if the results are close to what you want to achieve. In addition, you should do your due diligence in researching the best nose surgeon and making sure they have the right qualifications and expertise to conduct your surgery.


  • Patience is key when it comes to rhinoplasty results

Results take time with rhinoplasty or nose job and your nose will not be fully healed until a year after your procedure. During this year, your nose will change dramatically, as swelling slowly resides. After the initial 12 months, you might want to consider a revision rhinoplasty if you are unhappy with the results. However, this is only the case in about 25%-30% of cases.


  • Rhinoplasty comes in two different forms

Yes, you read that right. Rhinoplasty can be done in two different ways, closed rhinoplasty, and open rhinoplasty. They are both considered relatively super safe procedures if done by a qualified and experienced surgeon. A closed rhinoplasty approach is done with no external incisions, but through the nasal nostrils. The recovery is also much smoother after closed rhinoplasty because the swelling is very minimal. In most cases, patients can go back to their normal life after 2 -3 days after the procedure.

They will have a plastic cover or splint on the nose, but that is also removed after a week of the surgery. Bruising is also very minimal and is virtually gone after a week of the surgery. However, with open rhinoplasty, swelling and healing time could be slightly more than the closed rhinoplasty procedure. It can take up to four months for the swelling to completely reside. It can also increase the risk of tip necrosis, which is unheard of with the closed rhinoplasty approach. Open rhinoplasty is done in some cases where significant alterations need to be done or if nostrils need to be reshaped as desired.


  • No procedure is one size fit all

Like with anything in life, every experience differs from patient to patient. However, in general, rhinoplasty with Dr Bashar Bizrah usually takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours depending on the complexity of the case. Rhinoplasty is considered virtually pain-free with mild discomfort that can be eased with a simple Panadol. However, some people may experience more pain depending on their individual threshold.

Swelling and bruising are also common amongst some patients. However, the degree of swelling and bruising may differ from each patient to patient. Most patients experience major swelling after the first 2 weeks of the procedure; however, this will slowly reside moving forward. The cast placed immediately after the procedure is kept anywhere between 7 to 10 days, depending on the doctor’s advice.


  • Post-op aftercare 

It is important to ensure not to take any aspirin or blood-thinning drugs to decrease the bleeding risk after the operation. If you are on Roaccutane, it is essential to stop taking this medication around 3 to 4 months before the operation as it will influence the healing of scars, if any. It is also advised to refrain from exercise or activity for the first 3 to 4 weeks. Nose touching is also not allowed within the first two weeks post the operation. This is to prevent any infection or movement of the nose.


  • There is no age for Rhinoplasty

If you are over the age of 18, rhinoplasty can be done for everyone and anyone. If you are a healthy individual there should be no reason to prohibit you from undergoing a nose job. However, to get an individual assessment, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Your second-best option

If you are worried about having an expensive operation and not liking the nose reshaping results, non-surgical rhinoplasty may be the solution for you. Depending on your nose, fillers could be used to cover a hump or bump by injecting the filler either below or above the bump. In addition, it can be added to the tip to lift it. It is the ideal procedure to be done for the patient to get a better idea of how his/her nose will look like after their nose reshaping Dubai procedure. However, the filler is temporary and lasts anywhere between 6 to 9 months. This service is also offered at our clinic with the highest standards of quality and expertise.

Last-minute reminders before the big day


  • Refrain from eating for at least 10 hours before the nose reshaping surgery
  • Make sure you are wearing no makeup, nail polish, or hair products
  • Avoid taking any aspirin, ibuprofen, before the surgery
  • You should refrain from smoking or any nicotine related substances two weeks prior to the rhinoplasty surgery.
  • Make sure you take before pictures of yourself from all angles; one for future reference and two because these are the last few moments with your old nose!
  • Do not panic and go in with a good spirit and a clear mind! With Bizrahmed, you are guaranteed stunning results and the most luxurious and pleasant experience and aftercare.

To get the best treatment for Rhinoplasty in Dubai, book an appointment with us at :


How to Choose the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai

Hair transplant in Dubai is one of the most common cosmetic procedures. This procedure is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness and boost self-esteem. Hence, it is always recommended to undergo hair transplant from the best  hair transplant clinic in Dubai with a good track record of patient history.

What is Hair Transplantation?


Hair transplantation is one of the most effective ways of restoring hair. This is the procedure under which hair follicles are taken from the patient’s donor areas and implanted in the recipient areas. The newly transplanted hair will continue to grow to around 12-18 months after the procedure. A natural appearance is reached due to using the patient’s own hair. Hair transplantation is one of the most successful solutions for hair restoration.

There are two types of hair transplant in Dubai: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant). The technique of hair transplant varies according to the physician’s recommendations.

● FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant in Dubai, which refers to “Follicular Unit Extraction” or “Individual Follicle Extraction”, is the most advanced hair transplant technique available. The FUE technique is adopted by extracting each follicle unit from the donor area and then implanted in the recipient area. A broader area of the donor area is used here for extraction.

● FUT Hair Transplant

FUT hair transplant are referred to as the ‘strip method’, this method involves removing a strip from the donor area which is taken from the healthiest area of growth which is often the back or sides of the scalp. The hair follicles will then be harvested and implanted into the recipient area. This method usually leaves a thin linear mark on the donor area.

Factors to Consider While Choosing your Hair Transplant Clinic in UAE


With so many hair restoration options, it may be quite difficult to choose the best one for you. There are a few factors that you should always keep in mind while you are on the search for your best hair transplant clinic in Dubai, UAE:


Choose a clinic that has a reputable track record in providing hair transplantation and hair restoration.

• Good Patient Records

Review the clinics before and after patient results.

• Breadth of Hair Restoration Services

A clinic that offers a variety of hair loss treatments shows that they are capable to assess patients concerns and advise on an optimal treatment plan for hair restoration.

• Experience in FUT & FUE

Look for a clinic that has experience in both FUT and FUE techniques.

• Use of Latest Technologies

Ensure that the clinic strives for innovation and adapts to the most advanced techniques and technologies in hair transplantations. This may include Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), body hair transplant, long hair transplant and Sapphire Pens.

• Experience

Choose the clinic whose surgeons and technicians have years of experience as the success rate of hair transplant depends on this. Lack of could lead to revisional procedures being performed so ensure you choose the  best Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai where their medical team is highly experienced. The medical teams should have sufficient hands-on experience and are well updated with the latest advancements and technologies in the field.

• Cost-Effective

The clinic you choose should offer affordable procedures, however, take note of unusual low-cost treatment advertisements that could often be a scam or not meet satisfactory quality.

• Free Consultation

Most clinics offer a free consultation to analyze the patient’s case and better understand their concerns. Before finalizing the hair transplant clinic you wish to undergo your procedure with, ensure the doctor understands your concerns and has answered all your questions.

Who is the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Dubai

It’s not just about the best hair transplant Clinic in Dubai, UAE, as well as ensuring the medical team such as the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai are well experienced and have performed many cases and aim for providing natural-looking results.

The most critical factors to consider while choosing the surgeon are:

● Look through the clinics before and after gallery
● Look through their patient testimonials
● Ask how many years of experience the medical team has
● Ask if the clinic provides follow-up appointments after the procedure

Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai

Hair transplantation in Dubai is a cosmetic procedure which has no fixed price. Hair transplant cost varies depending on the clinic and sometimes the case. Other factors may include:

● Hair transplant method
● Packages offered by the clinic
● Number of grafts/hairs
● Recipient area zones
● Experience and expertise of the surgeon
● The geographic location of the clinic or surgeon

Permanent Hair Transplant in Dubai, UAE

Bizrahmed– The state-of-the-art centre is located on Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai providing top-quality cosmetic procedures with outstanding patient care. Bizrahmed has three branches worldwide and its doctors have over twenty-five years of experience. Bizrahmed is well known for its excellence in facial plastic surgery and  hair transplant Dubai and London.


Hair Transplant in Dubai

Hair loss affects both men and women and there can be several reasons for it. It can be a matter of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications, radiation therapy or stress etc. Losing hair on a daily basis is very heartbreaking for any individual. Therefore, people are always on the lookout for effective hair restoration techniques. 

Hair restoration techniques have changed a lot with time. With the latest advancements, you now have a variety of techniques to restore your hair. One such technique is Hair Transplant Dubai.

How is the hair transplant done? 

Hair transplant is a surgical hair restoration technique in which hair are taken from the back and sides of your scalp and transplanted to the area that needs hair. There are two methods of performing hair transplantation which include;

  • FUT hair transplant 
  • FUE hair transplant 


FUE Hair Transplant 

It involves extracting hair grafts with the help of a punch tool without cutting any strip. The hair grafts obtained are then inserted into the targeted area. It is less invasive as compared to FUT and does not leave a noticeable scar. 


FUT Hair Transplant 

It involves cutting a strip of hair from the back of your head and obtaining grafts from that strip which are then inserted into the recipient area. The whole procedure results in a noticeable scar and stitches are also used.

Which technique is suitable for you?

Hair transplant is an effective hair restoration technique that gives long-lasting results. However, which type of hair transplant is right for you whether FUT or FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai? It can be decided only by a hair transplant surgeon. He/she will examine your condition and will suggest the best-suited option. You need to follow all the instructions given by your surgeon if you want to have successful results. Therefore, choose a board-certified hair transplant surgeon.

Visit Bizrahmed and enquire about the  Hair Transplant cost in Dubai today.